What Membership Level Should I Choose? Below is a guide to help you choose the correct membership level and help you get started in the Kansas City Woodworkers Guild.Please note that you can upgrade your membership to a higher level for the price difference.Downgrades to memberships are not allowed.In order to use the shop and take most classes you must be over 18, pass a safety test and obtain a Green Card. Membership Level Guide R1 Are you a full time student?YesNoR2 Are you over 18?YesNoR3 Do want to use the shop outside of taking classes?yesnoR4 Is it worth $190 to save 20% on all classes taken during the year?yesnoR6 Do want to take classes?YesNoR7 Is it worth $100 to save 20% on every class taken during the year?yesNoR5 Do you wish to donate an additional $75 above the cost of a WOODWORKER PLUS membership level to become a BENEFACTOR?YesNoBenefactors support the mission of the Guild and its unique properties within the community.R8 Are you over 65?YesNoR9 Do want to use the shop outside of taking classes?YesNoR14 Do want to use the shop outside of taking classes?YesNoR15 Is it worth $125 to save 20% on all classes taken during the year?yesnoR10 Do want to take classes?YesNoR17 Do you want to take classes?YesNoR11 Is it worth $150 to save 20% on classes.YesNoR18 Is it worth $75 to save 20% on classes.YesNoR13 Is it worth $150 to save 20% on all classes taken during the year?YesNoR12 Do you wish to donate an additional $75 above the cost of a WOODWORKER PLUS membership level to become a BENEFACTOR?YesNoR16 Do you wish to donate an additional $75 above the cost of a WOODWORKER PLUS membership level to become a BENEFACTOR?YesNoT1 JOIN AS A STUDENTYou are not allowed to use the shop or take classes until you are 18 years old.T2 JOIN AS A STUDENTJoining at the STUDENT level over 18, you will NOT have shop privileges or a 20% discount on classes taken during the year.T3 JOIN AS A SENIORJoining at the SENIOR level over 65 you will NOT have shop privileges, or a 20% discount on classes taken during the year.T4 REGULARJoining at the REGULAR level you will NOT have shop privileges outside of class times or a 20% discount on classes taken during the year.T5 JOIN AS A SAWDUST MAKERJoining at the SAWDUST MAKER level provides you shop privileges after obtaining a Green Card. You will NOT receive a 20% discount on ALL classes taken during the year.T6 JOIN AS A WOODWORKER PLUSYour membership as a WOODWORKER PLUS provides all of the privileges of the Guild including shop privileges and a 20% discount for ALL classes taken during the year.T6 JOIN AS A BENEFACTORYour membership as a BENEFACTOR provides all of the privileges of the Guild and extra support for the Guilds fiscal operations. Thank you!Select Yes or No Start Over