Sponsoring the Guild Helps You
- Our members are loyal to our sponsors. We purchase thousands of dollars of equipment and products every month to use in our home and business workshops.
- To strengthen the loyalty, many sponsors offer Guild members discounts on purchases ranging from 10 to 25 percent. As a sponsor, you set the terms and limitations to discounts offered.
- When making purchases, Guild members are required to show their valid Membership Card or provide a special discount code for on-line purchases. We will help you develop the ideal system to best fit your needs.
- Guild members are encouraged to write reviews of new tools, products and services and submit them to our website and newsletter. Many members enjoy having the newest tool on the market.
- As a sponsor of the Kansas City Woodworkers’ Guild, your company is a preferred supplier for Guild purchases. The Guild builds hundreds of items each year to generate revenue and keep our membership dues low. We contact our Sponsors first for materials, equipment and services needed for our Guild operations and projects.
- Each sponsor is encouraged to supply catalogs and sales flyers to our Sponsor Corner for distribution to Guild members.
Levels of Financial Sponsorship
All sponsors are entitled to one paid membership at the Woodworker Plus level as part of their sponsorship dues. Sponsor levels are based on the total annual fees and/or in-kind donation(s) received.
Walnut • $1,500 or more
- Access to space in each monthly Guild Newsletter for a 1/2 page or less advertisement on any page except the first and last pages, a $600 value.
- Two company representatives may attend monthly meetings.
- Send four e-mails monthly to members and those who sign up to receive email.
- Opportunity to use Guild facility for your company meeting or training needs.
- Hyper linked logo listed on website and newsletter.
- Plus all Cherry Level Benefits.
Cherry • $500
- Access to space in each monthly Guild Newsletter for a 1/4 page or less advertisement on any page except the first and last pages, a $350 value.
- Opportunity to present program once per year
- Plus all Oak Level Benefits
Oak • $300
- Access to space in each monthly Guild Newsletter for a 1/8 page or less advertisement on any page except the first and last pages, a $200 value.
- One company representative may attend monthly meetings
- Send one e-mail monthly to members and those who sign up to receive email.
- Hyper linked logo listed on Sponsor Page of Guild web site and newsletter.
- Sponsor Corner space within the shop for brochures and business cards.
- Exhibitor booth space at Open House, a $100 value!
In-kind Sponsorship Opportunities
- Does your company manufacture or market machinery or hand tools for woodworkers?
- Do you need a location to demonstrate your products to potential customers? Consider donating or lending your company’s products to the Guild.
- Not only will you have a great facility to show off your equipment, but also a ready reference for your products. Our Shop Foremen will keep your equipment in tip-top condition.
- Your company may also donate products the Guild uses in our Community Service Projects, Open Shop, and Workshops. We often need items like hardware, bandsaw blades, sandpaper, glue, and finishing products just to name a few. Imagine what your company could provide.
- The In-kind Sponsorship levels are determined by the MSRP of items or services donated or loaned to the Guild within a calendar year. Your company receives the benefits listed in Levels of In-kind or Financial Sponsorship.
- The Guild also accepts cash for sponsorship payments.
- The Guild is a nonprofit charitable organization pursuant to IRS regulation 501(c)3. Donations and bequests of cash or property to the Guild are tax deductible to the donor. Appropriate documentation will be provided.