Projects are to be stored only in specified areas:
- If you glue up a project and want to leave it overnight (24 hours), mark the project with your name, phone number and date, or leave your badge with it. Talk to the foreman on duty about where to leave it. If you do not return the next day, others may feel free to remove the clamps for their own use.
- Space in the Storage room is limited to members paying rent, and is available for rent on a first come, first serve basis. Contact the Storage Coordinator for more information.
- A monthly fee is charged based on the square footage. Prices are determined by accessibility and location. Spaces are $75 or $110, or $15 a square foot for floor spaces. Check with Storage Coordinator for pricing for a specific space.
- Projects, materials and tools belonging to Guild members are stored at the owner’s risk. The Guild assumes no liability for any loss or damage due to fire, flood or theft.
- Fees charged for storage space help reimburse for rent, heat and electricity being paid for by the Guild.
- Spaces are rented for the calendar year. Refunds will be prorated for shorter terms. Rental fees are due at the beginning of the year, along with the membership fees.
- Membership and storage rental are invoiced separately, each sent by email to the member. Contact for membership renewal information.
- Rent for spaces must be current. If rent is not paid by January 31, you will be notified to pay or remove your materials. Spaces not paid for by February 15 will be emptied.