Guild Events
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The Guild has often participated in the Kansas City edition of this trade show with a booth featuring both examples of completed projects crafted by our members and demonstrations of various kinds.  The program requires a number of volunteers to both man the booth and conduct demonstrations.
In recent years the show has been a hit-or-miss affair with frequent cancellations by the promoters.
The Open House is designed to acquaint potential members with the shop, its opportunities and benefits. Â It aims at unaffiliated friends and relatives of current members, patrons of local woodworking-oriented vendors, and young people in area vocational programs.
Held the 3rd Wednesday in December – 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. (Replaces regular meeting)
Woodworkers and their families and friends participate in a catered and contributed holiday meal featuring a raffle of select woodwork projects.  Mostly it’s the good food and camaraderie that prevail. Members contribute desserts.  Food service begins at 7:00 p.m. Â
Members willing to offer items for the raffle should contact the Events Director.
Note: The Woodworkers’ Guild utilizes the Sign-up Genius program to keep track of participants in  some events, as well as many classes.  Use of this program provides an effective way for our volunteer leaders to limit participation to appropriate size, make sure that fees are paid, and to assemble waiting lists where helpful.  Where fees are required, Sign-Up Genius will process the transaction.
Lie Nielsen joins with the Guild to provide a showing of their many excellent tools.  This PUBLIC event took place at the shop on November 8th and 9th 0f 2024. No reservations or Guild membership were required for event.
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
- Mike McCauleyÂ
- Curtis Alexander
For more information, contact Laser SIG