Classes and Training

All Classes Require Guild Membership

Repeating Classes

Select a Box To Expand for More Information

Kelly Mehler – Building a Side Table In Person, Direct from Berea, Kentucky – 2008
Marc Adams – 2009
Ralph Quick – Making a Windsor Chair – 2009
John Wilson & Eric Pinter – several times making shaker oval boxes
Ben Hobbs – Pencil Post Bed, Chippendale Chairs, Virginia Spice Box, Queen Anne Chairs, etc.
Freddie Roman – Federal Style Tables, Hammer Veneering
Christopher Schwarz – Lectures on Hand Tool and Hand Tool Woodworking, Building a Dutch Tool Chest
Mike Pekovich – Building a Kumiko Wall Cabinet
Matt Kenney – Building 3 Boxes
Doug Stowe – Precision Box building
Nora Hall – European Relief Carving
Paul Schurch – Decorative Veneering and Marquetry
David Abeel – Has visited twice for his excellent class on Building a Windsor Chair
The late Nancy Hiller – Building an Arts & Crafts writing desk
Mary May – Decorative Woodcarving 

The Guild strives to present classes at three basic levels.  Basic and Skill-Builder classes are aimed at craftsmen in the early stages of building their skill sets.  Intermediate classes are those that follow the basic woodworking classes, are a bit more challenging, but not so difficult that a person with a few projects under their belt would not be successful. Advanced classes are for woodworkers whose skills have developed to the point where they have the confidence to take on more complex projects with finer finishes.  Of course the dividing lines between these are fuzzy at best.  We do not want to get picky on skill levels.  We like for people to tackle what they believe that they can do, and we want our instructors/coaches/shop foremen to learn to help people stretch their experience.

The Skill-Builder Session is a focused demonstration and we ocasionally will reserve the machines in the mobile training area for that.  These events are held monthly and are at no cost.

We try to hold Open Shop simultaneously with our classes except for Thursday evening during the Basic Woodworking class and during classes with outside instructors.  

Classes are announced at approximately 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays after they are made available in order to make slots available equally to both retirees and the employed.  Descriptions may appear on the website previous to that, but SignUp slots are hidden until the official announcement time.

  • Level Requirements: Hands-on classes requires Sawdust-Maker or better membership.
  • Discounts: Members with a Woodworker Plus or better membership get a 20% discount.
  • Safety Certification: A Green Tag is required for use of both power and hand tools. (See “The Most Dangerous Tool” on the Safety Page.)

The Woodworkers’ Guild utilizes the Sign-up Genius program to keep track of participants in classes and other events and to prevent non-members from signing up for classes.  Use of this program provides an effective way for our volunteer leaders to limit participation to appropriate size, make sure that fees are paid, and to assemble waiting lists where helpful.  Where fees are required, Sign-Up Genius provides a safe method to process payments to the Guild without the need for our members to make/maintain a seperate account.  Where indicated, you may also pay by check or by credit card within three days of signing up online for the training.  

Mail checks to KCWG Treasurer; 1717 Washington St; Kansas City, MO 64108.

Class Photos