Guild Ambassadors

The Ambassador role is unique within our Guild structure.   While the ultimate authority for your time within the Guild is the shop Foreman.  The Ambassador is there to fill a more social or mentorship role in getting you acclimated and operating successfully within the Guild and it’s shop.  The individuals that comprise this group have a wide variety of backgrounds and roles they are serving currently or have served in the past with Guild.  This is the knowledge that is hard to quantify or list in a FAQ.  

Feel free to seek out their help via email or in person.  

Kurt Battles

Kurt Battles

Mike Jones

Mike Jones

Glenn Carney

Glenn Carney

Suresh Narayan

Suresh Narayan

Kitzi Dingley

Kitzi Dingley

Carole Shelton

Carole Shelton

Steve Hicks

Steve Hicks

Talon Spittles

Talon Spittles

Terry Johnston

Terry Johnston